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Your generosity to Chabad-Lubavitch of Islington will enable us to continue to provide vital community services for many years to come. You can include a bequest to Chabad Islington when making a new will or add one to a will you have already made in a supplementary document or codicil.


Making a difference in our future
Chabad Islington exists because of the help of members of our Jewish community. That is why your collaboration is so important to the continuation of our work for the next generations. Therefore, we are now working together with a local Islington solicitor, Graeme Taylor, who is a Senior Partner at Gelbergs Solicitors, to help you plan and prepare your contribution to us. By making your will, Graeme can do the solicitor work for a reduced rate and make it easier for you to plan your donation to our institution when including Chabad Islington as a beneficiary. This gives you the opportunity to arrange your donation without interfering in your life today, but with the certainty that you will leave a wonderful legacy for our future.


Why making a will?
It’s the best way of ensuring that your property goes to those individuals and causes you really intend to benefit. If there is no valid will the property you leave behind will be dealt with in accordance with the rules of intestacy. This could well be contrary to your wishes and not in the best interests of your family and dependents. In addition, the Chancellor of the Exchequer could become one of your principal beneficiaries.


By adding us in your will you can ensure your support to our future and this generosity will enable us to continue with our work and services for many years to come. This means you will leave a lasting legacy and have the satisfaction of supporting Chabad Islington and its future. This is a gratifying and easy way of making a difference in the future of our Jewish community. In addition, it not only may save inheritance tax, but it can also guarantee your support beyond your lifetime.


Often people feel that they do not have the means during their lifetime to help others as much as they would like. However, by making a gift in your Will (through the distribution of your assets), you can make a difference tomorrow without affecting your quality of life today.


About Graeme Taylor
Graeme Taylor is a Senior Partner at Gelbergs Solicitors since 1990 and will help you prepare your will at a reduced rate if you wish to include Chabad Islington as a beneficiary. Graeme’s areas of specialization are commercial property and wills and probate. He has been writing wills for clients for his entire professional career and devotes much of his spare time to numerous charities. To learn more about Graeme and get in touch about this opportunity, please contact either the Chabad House or Graeme directly at:


Graeme Taylor

Senior Partner, Wills and Probate and Commercial Property

Gelbergs LLP

188 Upper Street

N1 1RQ

Tel: 020 7226 0570





Some options for including a bequest in your will:

  • Leave a proportion of your estate to Chabad Islington (this means that your gift will not be affected by fluctuations in the size of your estate).

  • Include a residuary clause in your Will, in order to dispose of any assets not otherwise mentioned, or leave a percentage of that residue to Chabad Islington.

  • Nominate a specific sum of money you wish to donate to Chabad Islington.

  • Establish a provision so that if any named beneficiary cannot accept their bequest it will go to Chabad Islington instead.

  • Establish a perpetual trust that would provide ongoing financial support for years (please contact your legal adviser should you wish to discuss this option).

  • Life insurance - all or part of your insurance policy can be gifted.


020 7700 6974

Chabad-Lubavitch of Islington


1-3 Elliott’s Place

London N1 8HX

Venue hire


Chabad-Lubavitch of Islington CIO is an independent and registered charity. Registered Charity No. 1164760.



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