Letters of support kindly written to the Jewish community

Dear neighbors,
A short note of friendship and support from a local resident during this difficult time for your community. I met with Rabbi Mendy a few weeks ago and we talked about both the pain of the atrocity and the inter-generational pain that October 7th has bought to the forefront. I also know there is fear amongst many of you and I therefore felt compelled to reach out to assure you that you’re not alone.
Even for those of us with no direct connection to this conflict, the trauma it is causing to so many on all sides is painful to witness. Most people I know feel similarly in wishing for an end to all suffering, healing and a long-lasting peace for everyone involved.
With love,
Shani Unantenne.
I am islington resident and I just wanted to send my support to you given current hate and ignorance in this country. I hope you and the community at large have not experienced any first hand and would like you to know you have my support and that of many I know Kind wishes Michael O'Shea