Ein Sof Gallery unveils a new exhibition featuring 1980's comic hit 'The Adventures of Mendy and the Golem'.
10th February 2025 – 20th March 2025
Ein Sof Gallery
1-3 Elliott’s Place
London, N1 8HX
Mendy and the Golem series follows the exploits of Mendy Klein, who found a Golem in their father's synagogue. The Klein siblings and their Golem (named Sholem) get into all sorts of scrapes, and walk out of them with a moral based on Jewish texts.
Billed as "The World's Only Kosher Comic Book", Mendy Enterprises' Mendy and the Golem first appeared in 1981 available for $1.00. Written by Leibel Estrin and drawn by Dovid Sears, the comic book featured the offbeat misadventures of Mendy, an Orthodox Jewish boy, and his pet Golem. Other characters include Mendy's parents, Rabbi Yaakov and Sara Klein; Mendy's sister, Rivky; and a host of colorful supporting characters such as Moshe the Mayven; the Lone Stranger and his faithful friend Toronto; Captain Video; Dr. Hardheart and his evil robot Oy Vayder; and Professor Nemo.
Volume 2, 'Sholom's Wheel of Fortune' talks about the Mitzvah of Hashovat Avaida returning lots objects. Teaching children about honest, respect for property of friends and neighbours and the importance of doing things for there people.

For press enquiries, please contact
Email: rabbi@jewishislington.co.uk
IG: @einsofgallery