Please join our community consultation to help us create the Jewish Islington Heritage Trail, funded by the Mayor of London's Untold Stories grant. You can join us in person or on Zoom. You can RSVP here.
Thursday 29 September 2022, 8pm - RSVP
We are working together with the historian Petra Laidlaw to create this unique project. At this event Petra will share her ideas, including the sites and themes that should be included, and the participants will be invited to share their thoughts on how the project should be shaped. Everyone is welcome to join.
In addition, we are looking for stories from the historic Jewish Islington community that could be included in the trail. Please come along if you, your family or friends lived in Islington before 1967 and you can contibute to our project.
Islington Jewish Heritage Trail, a project by Chabad-Lubavitch of Islington, has received nearly £25,000 from the Mayor of London’s Untold Stories fund as part of his Commission for Diversity in the Public Realm. The project will celebrate the rich Jewish history of Islington and its landmarks by developing resources for a self-guided tour and delivering a series of free guided walking tours for the community. You can find out more about the project in our blog post.